Welcome to Daughter's of the Word Ministries

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. II Timothy 3:15

Monday, August 31, 2009

Good Morning



I spent some time reading the Word and a devotional by Beth Moore.

The devotional was on how we see our walk as Christians. So  many see their walk(me including at one time) as a list of things we are not allowed to do as believers. (thou shall not steal, no lying, no, no, no) Instead of seeing it as being set free.  Set free to live a life to enjoy with Christ.


“ Think about this with me: only ONE tree in the entire Garden was forbidden to Adam and Eve. Instead of surveying everything God had given her and marveling, ALL OF THIS! the serpent seduced Eve into thinking, Perhaps I’d rather trade all this in for the one thing God told me to avoid. He could be holding out on me.” (When Godly People do Ungodly things by Beth Moore)


Eph 1:3

Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ:


Who hath blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings… all… not some, all!  Can you fathom that? What the ALL really is? I know for a fact in my walk I have NOT reached the all. I get stuck, I stumble and even reach from time to time for a forbidden tree because I have NOT grasped in my spirit the All of my spiritual blessings. I allow myself to get into this rut and I start believing those lies again that tempt me or make me unsatisfied with who I am and what the Lord has called me to do in my life.

I am fulfilled and I find joy only when I seek first the kingdom of heaven and HIS righteousness.


Heavenly Father-

I praise  your Holy Name because you are worthy to be praised! Thank you Lord for your blessings. I count it all joy to be called one of your own.

Help me Lord to show the blessings you bestow upon me. Help me to be joyful in my walk with you. Help me to see the positives!

Lord forgive me for believing the lies.

Be with me as I begin my day. I am thankful for your Word! May these words be food to my soul.

For thine is the Kingdom the power and Glory forever and ever-Amen


Thank you for stopping by this morning.. May our Lord Jesus be with you. May you find Joy in your walk with Him!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

The meaning of the Cross


This morning I listened to Paul Washer.  His sermon called “The Cross of Christ”

This sermon spoke so deeply to the lack of understanding of the Cross and the sacrifice that Christ gave for each of us.

We will never fully grasp the greatness of the Cross.

Could you raise your face towards heaven and say “ I have loved you as you deserved to be loved, L-rd”?

There has never been a moment in Christ life that his love for the L-rd did not shine through. There is never a moment in our lives we can say that we have loved the L-rd as Christ has!!!

Christ was treated ,before the throne, as the sinner should be treated. He became a cursed for us.

What does it mean to be a cursed for  man?

A cursed means that a man is so vile, and depraved that the last thing he hears before going into hell is everything Holy applauding and rejoicing.


The only reason you are blessed is because he was cursed. Every good and perfect blessing you have is the result of the curse Jesus bore for you!

Christ bore every curse so that we could be blessed.

Be Attitudes



  1. granted kingdom of heaven
denied entrance into heaven
2. recipients of a divine comfort receive the wrath of G-d
3. satisfied miserable and wretched
4. receive mercy condemned without mercy
5. shall see G-d cut off from His presence
6. sons and daughters of G-d Disowned


It means that every curse listed above Christ bore for us on the Cross,so that we could be granted the kingdom of heaven, receive comfort,be satisfied, receive mercy,see G-d, and be called sons and daughters of G-d.


Do you think Jesus was fearful over the Cross and bled in the garden over the nails or the whip?


No It was the wrath of G-d he feared. The wrath He drank for us!!


Dear Saints

It is so hard for our  minds to comprehend the greatness and suffering of the Cross. Mothers sacrifice daily to take care of their families and even that sacrifice is nothing compared to the Cross. Father sweat to provide and even that is nothing!!

I am forever in debt to our L-rd Jesus for what He did for me. I can never love him the way I should! But I will strive to do so- with everything I am, and everything I do!

Will you?


Heavenly Father-

We honor and adore you. We give you praise because you are worthy to be praised. We ask you to hear us now and forgive us     L-rd of our sins.

Help us L-rd to understand your Word. Help us to live it in our lives. Help us to share you, your love, and the greatness of your sacrifice with others.

Be with us as we begin a new week of schooling, or work.

For Thine is the Kingdom and Power and Glory forever and ever- Amen


May these Words speak to all of you


Monday, August 3, 2009

He had faith in him…


Job 1

Here is Job living life, loving the L-rd, sacrificing for any sin that might be happening, basically minding his own business. The L-rd is proud of Job, his love and loyalty like any parent would be. Satan, of course, sneers and growls at this pride and thinks this is just a man that can fall like any other, but you won’t let me near him. So the L-rd grants satan passage, with one condition, you can not kill him or harm him.

Have you ever wondered why the L-rd granted satan passage to spiritually, mentally, and physically challenge Job?

We are all sinful creatures that when the going gets tough- we crack. I know there has been times in my life where I have questioned, cried, threw a fit and even got angry at our Heavenly Father.  

“Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,” Job 1:20 In his most desperate and painful moment- HE WORSHIPPED!!!

The L-rd had faith in Job and new his heart so completely Allowing satan passage the L-rd knew it was not going to change how Job felt or saw His Heaven Father.

Oh dear Saints the L-rd knows our hearts and knows whether we are able to worship through all situations. May you find strength and comfort that He is truly sovereign, merciful and most of all gracious!
